EPM Planning Forms 2.0 Issue with Percentage Input

Forms 2.0 was recently released and overall is a huge improvement. But a colleague of mine discovered an issue with percentages. The issue has been raised with Oracle and they are investigating. Until a resolution is provided, be aware of the following behavior.

When entering a value with the percentage character, the digits are moved such that .05% becomes 50%.

While unlikely one would enter a percent in this manner, it is possible and would result in the incorrect value being saved.

As of this writing, Oracle has replicated and acknowledged the issue. I will update this post with new information as we get it.

As always, happy EPM’ng!

Many thanks to Wayne Bates for making me aware of this issue.

2 thoughts on “EPM Planning Forms 2.0 Issue with Percentage Input

  1. Great to know. What about showing decimals on forms like the exchange rate forms in FCC. I haven’t managed to find the setting for specific forms to show this.


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